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Inquisitor 3.0 Beta 2

I’m pleased to announce that Inquisitor 3.0 Beta 2 is now available for testing.

Inquisitor 3.0 Beta 2 provides an enhanced web searching experience by learning from your use of it over time and then tailoring the experience to suit you best. Websites that you’ve visited before are flagged and prioritized and search keywords you’ve used recently show up ahead of the rest. Best of all, your usage history is stored on your computer and yours alone, so unlike services like Google Personalized Search, you don’t need to worry about some corporation watching and recording your every move.

I’m also pleased to note that Inquisitor 3 has now been downloaded 150,000 times since its release 4 weeks ago. Lastly, I’d like to mention that if you think ‘free’ is an undervaluation of this software, there is a donation box to help make up the difference. If Inquisitor has made your life a bit easier, please consider making the box a bit less empty. :)

À la carte options for NewsFire

I’ve recently added some new à la carte purchase options for NewsFire that I’d like to point out. In addition to the basic single user license for $18.99, I am making available a ‘Household Option‘ that will extend your license to cover up to 3 family members or housemates living in the same household for just $9 (a $57 value). I’ve also added a ‘Lifetime Upgrades Option‘. This option means that all future major upgrades of NewsFire will be given to you for free (2.0, 3.0, etc…). For only $9 you are set for life!

Both the ‘Household Option’ and the ‘Lifetime Upgrades Option’ are available for à la carte purchase for both new licenses AND existing licenses.

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  • November 22nd, 2006 5:25 pm

Xtorrent Public Beta 2

I’m pleased to announce that Xtorrent Public Beta 2 is now available for testing. Xtorrent is an advanced torrent client that aims to bring a friendly interface and powerful features to the world of BitTorrent.

The largest change in Beta 2 is an under-the-hood overhaul of the downloads pane. The only visible manifestation of this right now is that the folder structure of downloading torrents can now be browsed, much like in the search pane. This rearchitecting work was done to lay a foundation for future advanced features and facilitate future integration work between the search pane, downloads pane, and (as of yet unreleased) RSS module.

More visibly, the swarm column in the search view has been redesigned, and can now be expanded to reveal a breakdown of seeds and leeches information instead of a single aggregate swarm size value. Finally, the Xtorrent window will now accept drag and dropped .torrents, and even provides a slick informational overlay view.

Inquisitor 3: 2 weeks, 75,000 downloads

It’s been a mere 14 days since I first unveiled Inquisitor 3, the plugin for Safari that makes searching the web like using Spotlight, and announced that it would be completely free. The response has been fantastic, and I’m pleased to say that Inquisitor 3 has been downloaded more than 75,000 times in those 14 days.

So, let me take the time to thank everyone who has downloaded this beta software and help spread the word. 75,000 is great, but there’s still ~30 million Mac users out there who would love to hear about this, so keep it up. :)